Thursday 12 November 2015

Lamula Nassuna Project

Project Three - Lamula Nassuna 

Re-designing A Well Tailored Suit

Today we got a new project brief by a designer. The project brief was to re-design one of her tailored suits. There was many way to go about this, but the suit had to be modernly acknowledged piece. First of all I started exploring though tailored suits by designers recommended in the project; I started to collect images and started creating a mood board. From my mood board I then starting taking interesting section and traced over them. 
Own Work - Lamula Nassuna Mood Board
After finding interesting shapes, I started looking at different suit collars, and began drawing them out, I then started looking at fluidity in the collar. loose construction. Then I started drawing out suit jackets using the collars that I drew out previous and also incorporating my favourite sections of the garments from my mood board as inspiration.
Own Design Work
When I was drawing out designs i incorporated different sections of interest, and my favourite was the flaps. I liked the idea of the fabric being folded over and for the lining of that to be a different colour. So one jacket in particular interested me, so I took this on to further development. To aid my project I decided to explore through the WGSN website for the newest upcoming fashion forecasting. From here I the upcoming colour trends.
Own - Colour Mood Board
Reference from WGSN Fashion Forecasting colour trends. I decided to go with the elemental pallet. I then started gathering pictures with similar colour schemes into my colour mood board and then following the pallet into my design work. With the final design I chose for the tailored jacket I started experimenting with different colour combinations from the elemental pallet.
Own - Colour Combinations
Final Colour Combination
Then I began to focus on the bottom, so I drew out a couple of designs of how I see fashion in the streets in modern society around the my area. I wanted to add a personal element of youth to my theme, so I started designing to my preference.
Own  Design Work
From my designs, I felt that the ones with the rolled up bottoms most related to my background and my youth group, So I decided to take that further and make them in to calf high trousers that rolled up to expose a beautiful vibrant lining.
Own - Final Colour Combinations
I kept the same colour scheme for the bottoms, but played around with different designs, I ended up using the stripes for my final suit, this is because it added another element of complexity rather then just being plain bottoms. I ended up choosing the same two colours as the tailored jacket because I also wanted it to be obvious that it is a complete suit and not just separate pieces.
Final Tailored Suit - Lamula Nassuna Project
I really like the outcome for this project because it represents the kind of fashion that I like to look into, plus my fashion mentality. I enjoyed this project because it took me out of my comfort zone of crazy contemporary garments and into the line of commercial clothing that can also be altered to fit the modern scene.

Thursday 5 November 2015

2D Developing Flats

Project Two - Personal

Working Towards The Final Piece 

Working from the 3D stand work, I started developing my work into 2D potential outcomes.
Own Work - Development

Own Work - Development
Own Work - Personal Project Development
These are 2D flats that I developed by incorporating all elements of the dream catcher. I kept refining them until I came up with clear decent selection.


After Deciding the Pieces I wanted to take forward I Started thinking about the colour pattern.

Developing the final piece into a final collection

Final Line Up For Personal Project

So for my final development ideas, I chose 10 Garments that I personally thought was quite interesting. I then decided on the illusive pattern that I was going to use throughout my collection and then drew out my final line up.
I felt as though this collection was quite a smart conceptual collection, With the balance between the immature mind working with expectation VS reality. 

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Developing Into A Protective Garment

Project Two - Personal

Developing Details from Two Dimensional To Three Dimentional

'Native Americans believe that the night air is filled with dreams both good and bad. The dream catcher when hung over or near your bed swinging freely in the air, catches the dreams as they flow by. The good dreams know how to pass through the dream catcher, slipping through the outer holes and slide down the soft feathers so gently that many times the sleeper does not know that he/she is dreaming. The bad dreams not knowing the way get tangled in the dream catcher and perish with the first light of the new day.'
Own Stand Work 
Own Stand Work
Own Stand Work
Own Stand Work
Own Stand Work 
Own Stand Work 
Own Stand Work
For these pieces I drew out the dream catcher net in fine line pen then made 10 enlarged copies on the printer, I did the same for the feathers and beads. I then cut around the lines with a Stanley knife and starting placing them on the stand, using overlapping and folding. This worked extremely well and was aesthetically pleasing for me. I started thinking about potential materials, and came up with the idea of laser cut leather strips in the shape of a net. It then plays the part of deception in my work.

So I decided that I wanted to use the part of the dream catcher to show the development of a child into an adult. My theme was protection and how all the little things around you affect you, however you never grow out of fantasizing and imagining to the deepest depth of your heart. The idea of the dream catcher emphasises the lack of protection we all have compared to what we believe we have. In my collection, I hope to incorporate the dream catchers net and feathers as well as the beads but exclude the hoop; I want to exclude the hoop in my collection because I want the dream catcher to spread and encase the body rather then be a secure object. The dream catcher elements are meant to come across overwhelming so that you feel powerless, as if the dream catcher is looking after you however, its just a conspiracy, therefore further implying the lack of power and knowledge that we have as mankind. I feel like this represents me in the sense as I am always immature, thinking I know everything when I know nothing at all. A belief that there is more out there than the eye can see, but as we are all in our own little worlds, we will never truly come to see that.
Own Work - Fashion Illustrations

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Illusions and Protection

Project Two - Personal

The Protection Of The Dream Catcher

Extracted Words From Research
Own Work - Illusion and Protection Mood Board
In my mood board are several pieces of artworks that represent illusions and a theme that runs through the work is colour; a splash of several colours represent imagination and lucid dreaming. For my work to enhance the ideology of dreaming I wanted to keep the theme of swirling colours, an abstract pattern that makes you feel like you are falling into a dream. 

Frown upon my withered heart
and wipe away my tears.
Catch the nightmares, catch my dreams
and snare my childish fears.

Protect me, Catcher, put me down
and watch me sleep to - day
the worries they encase me
My dream's the price I pay

The morning comes unfiltered
the cycle is broken for now
Oh Catcher! My Catcher!
My faithful night snatcher!
Laid a kiss on my wavering brow.

I started using the dream catcher as my focal point to my work, following up on the belief behind the ornament and also its history. I started collecting research to find that the dream catchers structure is what people see to be protecting.