Thursday 28 April 2016

FMP - Moodboard

FMP - Week Four - Day 3

Creating The Perfect Moodboard

Voice Moodboard
Today I set up my own space in the studio; I took important sections of my research, Photocopied them large and the stuck them up in my space so that whenever I look up, I am brought back to staying within the boarder lines of my project. Today whilst looking into my research again I started thinking about different images that could represent my thought process so far, and then finally I was able to come up with my moodboard for voice. Yay!
Im not very happy with my progress today as I had hoped to do much more, but considering my home situation, I had to finish here for today.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

FMP - Back into Research

FMP - Week 4 - Day 2


Filling in the Gaps

Today I went back to my tutor for a quick review, she had thought the same about the illustration as I had, and told me that I needed to begin thinking of the structure if that was typically what I wanted to make. I decided that I did actually just want to have shapes sticking out of a garment. I do like surface decoration but I wanted to use my concept to create a shape of its own. Looking around today, I've started to feel stressed; as my peers had become sampling and have their own walls of work. So I decided to take my tutors advice and to start thinking about structure, and what better way to play with structure than to play with metal wire? I started thinking about the concept and the only other sample I had made was a hand croatiaed knit piece made with brown wool. I chose croatia because the ribbed pattern looked quite similar to the muscles in our body, and thought it would have been relevant to the voice and vocal muscles. Similarly I decided to hand knit the wire; I tried doing a small sample and it ended up looking pretty awful, just like tangled wire, but I was adamant to make the knitted wire work, so I tried again when I got home; this time using pastel colours. The colours were inspired from the response piece I did to the recording previously. The knitted wire represents the hard denser side to voice, the sharp attitude that voice can hold mixed with the soft side (wool); the sample basically represents any human being voice, the soft comfortable texture mixed with the sharp dense stiff texture.
Hand Knitted Samples - Knitting With Wire
After my 2nd attempt I was extremely happy with the sample; you could clearly see the entwined pattern withing the wire as it had kept good structure, on the blue section of the sample, I wove the wire and wool together, this had a really amazing affect, no only did it look intriguing, the way it held its structure was phenomenal. I am however dissappointed in my colour choice, it does seem pretty "schooly" and I would have liked to only use either darker tones or just a muted colour pallet, but overall I am happy with the wire work!

Tuesday 26 April 2016

FMP - Responding to Paranoia

FMP - Week Four - Day 1

Visually Responding To Paranoia

Own Response to Recording
I went around and showed my friends and family the recording, they were shocked and confused and constantly pulling faces in confusion. I found this quite interesting. One of my friends told me how she tried to listen to one conversation then it all of a sudden disappeared in noise so she continued off another conversation. She had told me "I was shocked when she was telling her personal story, the girls started laughing loudly in her face mid sentence"; the reaction in a way forms misconceptions and misunderstandings following the idea of how people jump to conclusions from voice, tone and rhythm. Since I wanted to make this project personal to myself I decided to do my own visual response for the recording. It became very messy and confused but due to the being so long, there is plenty of detail and calmed lines where the noise was continuing for a long duration or time. This worked particularly well because it directly represents my personal feelings towards the recordings as I was the one in each situation; I become emotionally involved. 

I then made 20 photocopies of the response piece altering colour and size. I used the photocopies to then stick onto my illustrations, cutting and stripping the most interesting sections. I did the fashion illustrations just so that I could take my first step into the design process, however, I am not very fond with it as it seems like a very typical useless illustration that most students end up creating; the structure is pretty unrealistic. On the other hand, it begins open the gateway to designing.

Own Work - Fashion Illustrations 

Thursday 21 April 2016

FMP - Sound Displacement

FMP - Week Three - Day 3

Playing With The Voices

Re-Working Paranoia

Own Work - Overlapping Voice Recordings On Premiere Pro
Over the past few day's I have been recording selective sections of my life; the way I converse with different people; interact in different scenarios as well as the people around me. After gathering the voice recordings I started analysing them in more detail. I began to write up short transcripts on the most interesting sections. the changes in behaviour and changes is language was quite interesting to extract. Although this felt like a solid set of research, I wanted to do something more with it. I began to flick back through my research and found several references to illness where people become crazy from various voices speaking to them at once; another form of paranoia. I then thought of how symbolic I could make my voice recordings to the theme of paranoia. 

I took six different recordings all with different meanings. One with my best friend maria talking straight about her role model which evokes emotional values - this recording was taken when practising for an interview we were going to do later that day. I felt this recording was strong because as friends we've been close for 8 years however we do not see each other that often so you can gather a sense of distance between our dialect. Another three of the recordings was taken with my cousins, random topic changing and laughter added another element of confusion and rapid jumping voices helped the idea of paranoia, however also emphasised the comfort between the three of us. I added another recording of a car journey with my brother, where he sings along to the music in the car; this was particularly interesting because of the different car sounds and screeching from wind shield wiper as the rain hit the glass. This created irritation to the listener. Finally I used another recording with my brother when he was falsely disciplining me to make me low; for me this was quite a sensitive recording and made me angry whenever I listened to it. 

I then started overlapping all of the sounds, making sections loud than others so that It wasn't all just a muddle of voices. Some sections were clear and got you thinking but then it slowly blurs out, and another part becomes more prominent; this happens continuously.

I am particularly happy with the outcome however, I am also pretty disappointed that I wasn't able to play with the sounds how I wanted, for example, I would have wanted to increase the volume on certain section of a recording and mute others; but was unable to do this as whatever volume I insert is then saved as a preset for the whole recording. In the future I will learn how to use the programme properly; however all in all, I am happy with the final outcome.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

FMP - Kandinsky Influences

FMP - Week Three - Day 2

Responding to Sound; Kandinsky Inspired..

Back On Track

Art By Wassily Kandinsky

Today I began to get back on track, I had a set task for myself. I started looking at the Artist 'Kandinsky'; he has been one of my favourite artist because of his style of abstract work, precise lines and juxtapositioning. I love how you can get lost in his work and at every glance there is something there that you hadn't noticed before.  To me his work looks like Sound and vibrations, so I wanted to use his theme to create some of my own responses to some voice recordings I had recorded earlier this weekend. 
I chose 8 different recording with different people and ink painted some small line drawings in response to the voice recordings, The colours differed from person to persons and situations to other situations. I then created a small book out of the responses and placed that into my portfolio. 

I was really pleased how the responses turned out, however, I don't have any further plans for them which is not ideal. I want to continue making these responses however because it then makes them more personal to me; how I feel towards listening to the situations that have already occurred around me. My response.