Tuesday 26 April 2016

FMP - Responding to Paranoia

FMP - Week Four - Day 1

Visually Responding To Paranoia

Own Response to Recording
I went around and showed my friends and family the recording, they were shocked and confused and constantly pulling faces in confusion. I found this quite interesting. One of my friends told me how she tried to listen to one conversation then it all of a sudden disappeared in noise so she continued off another conversation. She had told me "I was shocked when she was telling her personal story, the girls started laughing loudly in her face mid sentence"; the reaction in a way forms misconceptions and misunderstandings following the idea of how people jump to conclusions from voice, tone and rhythm. Since I wanted to make this project personal to myself I decided to do my own visual response for the recording. It became very messy and confused but due to the being so long, there is plenty of detail and calmed lines where the noise was continuing for a long duration or time. This worked particularly well because it directly represents my personal feelings towards the recordings as I was the one in each situation; I become emotionally involved. 

I then made 20 photocopies of the response piece altering colour and size. I used the photocopies to then stick onto my illustrations, cutting and stripping the most interesting sections. I did the fashion illustrations just so that I could take my first step into the design process, however, I am not very fond with it as it seems like a very typical useless illustration that most students end up creating; the structure is pretty unrealistic. On the other hand, it begins open the gateway to designing.

Own Work - Fashion Illustrations 

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