Wednesday 27 January 2016

Being Conservative

Project Five - Reconstructed Deconstruct

Creating The Perfect Garment

So for this project I started drawing out loads of designs in my sketchbook, I did this by rearranging the garment on the stand roughly the exaggerating the image on paper. I began with flat surfaced reconstructions then used the stand as a building apparatus and began creating architectural bodies off it. I used this technique most, and was quite impressed with the outcomes.
Sketchbook Development Work
For my final Ideas, I wanted to use my old jumper and make it into a heavily silhouetted dress. I want to do this using layering and draping whilst also re-placing sections of the original garment in opposing areas.
Own Fashion Illustration
Final Garment Composition
This is the final design I am following out to make. I want to incorporate a wire running through the lining of the garment to hold it up and finish with a zipper running down the back.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Reconstruct Deconstruct

Project Five - Reconstruct Deconstruct

Take It Literally...

This project is about deconstructing garments then reconstructing them into something different. The project starts with you scanning in some of your garments in different way, exposing different details that engage you most.

I decided to use different textures; for example, a tailored suit, a jumper, a shirt, a jean jacket and a beach top. By doing this I hoped to achieve different varied outcomes; you can understand from the scans that the different pieces of clothing leave very different results. I then began to start making Frankenstein from cut out from the scans. 
Own Work - Fashion Illustrations
I think these work pretty well, I was quite pleased with the outcome of the illustrations, I did them on top of tracing paper, and sewed into them for extra texture.
I then started to develop more and tried to work on the stand with my garments.

Own Stand Work
I then continued working on the stand with garments I was happy to pull apart and sew back together.

Friday 15 January 2016

Presenting Your Work

Project Four - Industry

How Did You Collaborate? Were You Successful?

Presentation Board. 
Today was our presentation, we had to present to the tutors and the whole fashion textiles as well as fashion promotion. We had up our mood boards and brainstorms as well some of our samples. I pinned up some of my samples on mannequin head as well as the stands.  Nerves kicked in as we had to all talk about our work and contribution to the project. I felt like we worked really well as a team. No regrets, just the occasional, 'I wish I said something instead of nodding along'. Me personally, I like to work and independently but since we had some confident characters in our group, my voice became irrelevant and ignored. In doing so, my work has been clumsy, going down different routes, for example, I have  wood, underwater and honeycomb collection, which are all very different, but I was told to do these without listening to my original idea about the sea creatures which was our groups initial starting point to the project, but they didn't let me know about the honeycomb idea until I had already starting developing on the sea creature concept. Thereby my work has come across clumsy and un-organised. By far the worst body of work that I have done. 

Honeycomb Accessory Line Up
Woody Accessory Line Up 
Under Water Illusive Line Up
The main focus of this project for me was the footwear. I wanted come up with a really unique collection of footwear for Iris as she is very well known for her footwear. These are my final designs.
Final Footwear Collection
I created my footwear so that it is quite commercial, I know that Iris doesn't really create commercial wear, but for this I tried to modernising it with the aim that these could actually be sold. At the end of the presentation, the judges gave us the critics and also told us the votes for the presentations. The tutors had put us in 3rd place and we also received the peoples choice award (the students favourite presentation) which I was over the moon about.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Finishing The Collection

Project Four - Industry

Working On The Finishing Of The Final Collection

So for my final Idea for this project, again with the underwater theme, I started looking at the fine hairs of sea creatures, I then started incorporating the idea onto the body. I couldn't quite think of a way I could replicate the fine hairs, like a super fine bristles. When cleaning out my room, it suddenly came to me, so I rushed downstairs with two pack of fake lashed and then began hot glue gunning them to a metal piece of wire and then bent it to my desired design. It worked out beautifully! I am absolutely thrilled with the concept of it. 
Fine Hair Sample

Own Photography With Sample
I then shared the samples with my team and we all started drawing designs from them. I continued developing my designs until I cam up with a solid line up of accessories.

Final Line Up For Sea Creature Collection

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Developing Another Line

Project Four - Industry

Developing Another Approach In Accessories

So Today was all about my intial ideas and contribution t the group. I had this theme running from the beginning to end of the project of how I wanted to focus on the under-water element to my work. The Illusive and iridescence of sea creatures. Crystal formations, coral and other underwater elements. From my brainstorming research, I acknowledged that the most engaging aspect of underwater for me is reflections and shadows. I then thought to myself I can I play with shadows and reflections onto a body. I started making a few glue samples. I know that when PVA glue dries, it become translucent and the air-bubbles and other shapes reflect straight through when put to light.
I started off by making 3 PVA glue samples, one with green wire tangled through, one with silver wire and one with just glue being criss-crossed through. 
Own Sample - Dried Glue With Green Wire
Own Sample - Dried Glue With Metal Wire
Own Sample - Dried Criss-Cross Glue

 Experimenting With Samples On The Body

 Playing With Reflection

Own Photography
 From this, I then started looking into developing them into accessories that reveal a reflection onto the body or the garment. I began to develop my line up for the illusive sea accessory collection.

Illusive Collection