Wednesday 23 March 2016

FMP - A Story to Remember

 FMP Week Two - Day 2

Looking for the Signs

A Transition from Romania to London

Own Video - Interview With Maria
I shot an interview with my best friend. She moved to London from Romania when she was 13 years old; I wanted to catch a glimpse of her feelings on the situation, then and now. I told her to tell me her story, to feel free to let out all her anger and frustration as well as happiness. I wanted her to tell her story so that the listeners could be emotionally invested within the story. Her metaphors and comparisons did this perfectly. After recording I edited the video and began watching the finished product. She used plenty of hand gestures and body movement which was quite interesting, so I want to look further into that. I want to see how her facial expressions and other paralinguistic features support what shes actually saying.

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