Thursday 11 February 2016

The Final Say

Project Six - Politics

The Final Statement

The Final Line Up

Sketchbook Work
  So after all my researching and all the development, I started working on my exaggerated fur collections, The wolf and sheep skin tied together to further represent the idea of misconceptions. Each piece is different in structure but similar in silhouette, showing people that you cannot simple generalise by culture or religion nor can you generalise by pass 'accusations', like you would if you saw only the garments shadow; each one garment differently made and structured, and none are the same in the light at all, they are all different designs, much like the immigrants who come to this country, the are all individuals with individual cases that should be handled delicately and with care.
Misconceptions Final Line Up (1)
Misconceptions Final Line Up (2)
 I am really happy with my final collections, I feel like it really represented what I wanted to convey to the public, that we are all individuals, and no two people are the same or has had the same experiences or past. The way each of the garments are to be constructed and sewn will be done in high quality, so that people don't misunderstand the work to be a throw on piece, but to be a professional high quality statement about who they are and what they believe in.

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