Sunday 27 September 2015

Poetic Migration

Week Four - Graphics

You are what goes through your mind..

Poetic migration, what is poetic migration and how can we explore the meaning? We started the introduction by exploring the meaning of 'poetic migration', what it could possibly mean to us individually. We started by doing a brief brainstorm and from there continued to make connection no matter how random it may end up.
Own Work -  What Is Poetic Migration
After coming to a finish of our brainstorm of what poetic migration is we then were asked to write our individual lines of poetry. The idea would have come from the influence of the brainstorm. Once we all had our lines of poetry we were asked to mix them together with the people on our table to make one full poem. We tried to link the themes together in each line that we had. Although it flowed well, I was quite disappoited that it was quite shot as we ran out of time before we could figure out how to construct the whole poem.
Own Group Work - Poetry Mix

Type Sheet
We all had our individually avourite poems that we had bring in so after writing and presenting our poetry we were given a type sheet and paper so that we could start to explore the different types. We each chose a word that related to our poems and were instructed to play with the type forms; mine was 'isolate' 'isolation', so I started experimenting with bold muted colours; usually one of the letter looked quite effective with one isolated different colour, such as red. I found this activity particularly interesting because I got to play around with hand typing compositions which is something I never got to experience in such detail before.

Own Work - Type Face Experimenting
We were then asked to pick our most favourite composition to blow up and present to the rest of the class, so I decided to choose (below) this one because of the muted tones and interesting composition of letters; almost as though each of the letters are having difficulties of seclusion. The letters in red stand out in particular and emphasizes further the idea of isolation and seclusion. I am quite pleased with the final outcome as it was a stand alone statement, and didn't need much else to make it anymore relevant than it already was.
Own Work - Final Composition.

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