Monday 21 September 2015

What influences your fashion?

Week Two - Fashion and Textiles

This week was purely based on the idea of wearable art. An insight of the routes of fashion. It is not just how a garment looks, but the brainstorm and initial ideas taken forward to create a garment. Our task for the week was to choose our favourite piece of artwork. I had chosen a piece by Kandinsky. Our artwork that we had chose had to somehow be something that had influenced us in some way or that we had felt fond towards; most likely should say something about our personality.
Wassily Kandinsky 'Orange'
To me this piece felt like it represented me, the sharp, cleanly cut shapes all mashed together, representing my neat and tidy traits that tend to get messy and confusing even though I may seem i'm thinking straight. I particularly liked this composition due to the separation of objects around the edges then the clash occurring into the middle. The bright colours and random lines also add another element of anonymousity, leaving the viewers confused of what exactly the artist is trying to portray.

Our first task was to create miniature 3D paper sculptures inspired by our artwork.
Own Work - 3D Samples
we were then asked to choose the piece that we had favourited the most and start to build it onto a larger scale
Shortly after everyone had created their pieces, we were all asked to get into small groups of three and take a mannequin between us. Our first task was to create something on the mannequin inspired by the word "flamboyant" using all three of our pieces together. We then were asked to move to another groups mannequin and use their pieces to create another garment based on the music they had played.


First Rotation

Second Rotation

Third Roation

Fourth Rotation

After the fourth rotation we were asked to return to our original mannequin and to create a final piece with our own pieces.

I was really pleased with the final composition. all the pieces work really well together and create lovely team when put together.

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