Wednesday 4 May 2016

FMP - Reining The Ideas Back In

FMP - Week Five - Day 2

Figuring It Out

Back To The Drawing Board

So today has been in absolute shambles, I have looked through all my work and see a clear connection between the voice and the body but I want to still make the work personal, I haven't been able to keep to my timetable as I am very behind with my designs. I need to pick up the pace and only use relevant work in my project. So I began to go through my research folder once again and noticed that the interview with maria hasn't been used in a useful way; that was when I had realised that it would be a good idea to use the hands to respond to the earlier recording track I had created. Ink hand drawing in response to the track. However once I had completed this I was very disappointed  at the outcome. The lines were thick and and the hand prints were not visible; so I decided to respond to the recording once it had ended with only one movement.
This worked amazingly! It feels like such a powerful piece, I hit the paper straight on with clenched fists which elaborates the anger and frustration. I decided to then focus on young Muslim girls; being one myself, I understand that stress and commitment required to cope in a Muslim household and how we are expected to have a thick skin. I used this frustration into the impacted ink splat; as during the time I was making it, my brother sat behind me tormenting and teasing, so the piece has multiple meanings. I wanted to keep making these but this particular one is perfect and you cannot get perfection twice.

Drawing Response

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